Name: Dan Pearman(C5T2S2)
Occupation: founder of Pedal Power(charity)
Profile: creative, ideal, merciful
介绍:1993年到厄瓜多尔做了5年的土地测量志愿者,1998年回到英格兰开始捣鼓Pedal Power
Name: Wendy Harries (C5T3S1)
Occupation: doctor
Profile: cocky
介绍: Wendy阿姨对自己的医生身份感到非常自豪,甚至洋洋得意了,买个车都不忘告诉别人自己是医生……
车行大哥: Could I have your full name?
Wendy: Wendy Harries, that’s H-A-double R-I-E-S
车行大哥:And is that Mrs…Miss…Ms…?
Wendy: It’s Doctor, actually(骄傲脸)
车行大哥:Oh, right.(尴尬脸)
评价: Doctor Harries你到处跟人讲你是医生,不怕被医闹(讹钱)?
Name: Jenny Chan (C5T4S1)
Age: 19
Occupation: student
Profile: honest, PICKY, lame, rude, arrogant, complex, thin
登记大叔:are you interested in…
Jenny: yes!
登记大叔:And do you have any particular requirements for diet?
Jenny: Well, I’m nearly a vegetarian…not quite.
登记大叔(不耐烦脸):Shall I say you are? It’s probably easier that way
Jenny: That would be best
本人吐槽: 挑食的同学注意了,与其告诉别人你不吃什么,不如告诉别人你吃什么,这样人家记起来也方便点
登记大叔:Anything about your actual room?
Jenny: I would prefer my own facilities…and also if it’s possible a TV and I’d also like the house to have a real garden rather than just a yard, somewhere I could sit and be peaceful
登记大叔:Is that all? (I believe that is enough…)
Jenny: Well
登记大叔:(there’s no ‘well’ , miss)
Jenny: I’m really serious about improving my English so I’d prefer to be the only guest if that’s possible?
登记大叔:No other guests (go day-dreaming)… Yes, you got more practice that way. Anyway, obviously all this is partly(totally I mean) dependent on how much you’re willing to pay…
本人吐槽: Jenny 一点都不peaceful, 要求好多啊
登记大叔: and what would you say your level of English is?
Jenny: Good, I think I’d like to say ‘advanced’ but my written work is below the level of my spoken, so I suppose it’s intermediate.
看到这里是不是觉得这姑娘讨厌归讨厌,但是因为她还算诚实,起码你还能知道她在作什么妖, 能做好应对策略,这样看来,这姑娘还是挺可爱的。(突如其来的黑转路人)
Name: Lynne Rawley(C6T1S2)
Occupation: Public Relation Officer(公共关系专员) of Rivenden City Theatre
Profile: diplomatic, professional, middle-aged female, kind
介绍: 说话语速挺快的阿姨,但是每个字的发音都非常的清晰,一听就是职业女性(career woman)
评价: Lynne阿姨说话很有重点,答案词都读得很大声,心肠真好
Brian Ardley (C6T1S3)
Possible Occupation: manager, self-employed
Profile: young dad, positive, conscientious
Brian: Does it cater for special diets? I have some food allergies.
老师: provided you warn the refectory in advanced, it wont be a problem
Brian: Good. What about facilities for young children? I’d like to bring my daughter here while I’m studying.
老师: How old is she?
Brian: Three.
Brian没有具体说自己对什么过敏(allergy),但常见的食物类过敏源可以了解一下:牛奶milk, 虾shrimp, 鱼fish等海鲜seafood, 花生peanut, 鸡蛋egg, 大蒜garlic
Name: Peter Henes(C6T3S1)
Date of Birth: 1973/01/27 (Aquarius水瓶座)
Occupation: engineer
Profile: married, his mother is Indonesian
介绍:特征的一个大叔, 就是姓氏比较少见,跑去银行开了个户,估计还开通了网上银行
Peter: I was thinking of registering your(Bank’s) Internet service at some stage…
5年对外汉语教龄,曾为西班牙驻广州总领事,美国领事馆签证官,以及多国世界500强企业高管的汉语老师,了解西方人思维,熟悉与西方人交际方式。擅长带动课堂气氛,让学生积极投入课堂学习。 鼓励学生多思考,帮助学生培养出最适合自己的学习方法。