相信看过2019年新航道季度雅思考情分析的同学都知道判断题在今年继续蝉联雅思阅读的巨头。而往往同学们又容易在判断题上栽跟头,特别是比较类的判断题,容易not given和false中无限纠结。那么比较类判断题应该怎么做呢?
既然是考比较,那么我们就需要特别注意表达比较最常见的用语了,最常见的用语是什么呢?从对真题的分析中,我们发现占据C位的词语是than,比如more than, higher than, easier than, shorter than等等。看看下面的题,同学们感受一下满屏的than。
Girls are more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about the rainforests’ destruction. --C4T1P1Q6
In the past, Australian had a higher opinion of doctors than they do today. --C4T2P2Q19
Alternative therapists earn higher salaries than doctors. --C4T2P2Q19
The children have to pay back slightly more money than they borrow. --C4T3P1Q12
Archaeology is a more demanding field of study than anthropology. --C4T4P2Q18
In a sociological explanation, personal values are more powerful than authority. --C5T1P2Q25
是不是特别简单,特别可爱呢?除了than之外,少数题目还会出现prefer to, more加形容词或副词,less加形容词或副词表示程度不等的比较,以及as as, same as等表示程度相同的比较,比如:
Johnson has become more well known since his death. --C5T1P1Q9
Missouri programme children of young, uneducated, single parents scored less highly on the tests. --C5T3P1Q12
Before the National Literacy Crusade, illiterate women had approximately the same levels of infant mortality as those who had learnt to read in primary school.--C6T4P2Q20
一问原文有无比,无比即为not given
先举个中文的栗子,同学们觉得以下题目应该选true、false还是not given呢?
在题目中我们发现了信号词“比”,说明这是考比较级,那么在原文中有没有出现彭于晏和郭德纲的比较呢?原文中只告诉我们彭于晏非常年轻,至于是不是比郭德纲年轻,我们无从得知,因此,当题目有比而原文没有比较时,答案应为not given。
换个真题再考考大家,以下题目应为true、 false还是not given呢?
题目:Government handouts do more damage than tourism does to traditional patterns of food-gathering. --C5T4P1Q9
原文:Tourism is not always the culprit(罪人) behind such changes. All kinds of wage labour, or government handouts tend to undermine(削弱) traditional survival systems.
题目中同样出现了信号词than, 题目是Government handouts比tourism造成了更大的损害。那么原文有没有在比较Government handouts和tourism呢?原文只说了Tourism不总是罪人,government handouts有削弱传统生存体系的倾向,并没有比较两者,因此原文无比应为not given。
二问比较同维否,不同即为not given
现在题目和原文都在比较彭于晏和郭德刚,题目比较的维度是年轻,而原文比较的维度是帅气。我们能不能从原文的表达中判断出彭于晏是不是比郭德刚更年轻?很明显是不能的。既然不能知道,答案就是not given了。所以,当题目和原文是不同维的比较时,答案也是not given。
题目:Girls are more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about the rainforests’ destruction. --C4T1P1Q6
原文:More girls (70%) than boys (60%) raised the idea of rainforest as animal habitats.
题目和原文都用了more than来表示比较,题目比的是关于雨林破坏的错误观点,原文比的是雨林作为动物栖息地的观点,题目和原文比的维度不一样,因此为not given。
比如以下这道真题,同学们能判断出是true, false还是not given吗?
题目:Water use per person is higher in the industrial world than it was in Ancient Rome. --C7P25Q21
原文:At the height of the Roman Empire, nine major systems, with an innovative layout of pipes and well-built sewers, supplied the occupants of Rome with as much water per person as is provided in many parts of the industrial world today.
题目存在higher than,比较的维度是water use per person,原文用as...as来表示程度相等的比较,同样比的是water use per person,是同样维度的比较。但是题目是industrial world更高,而原文是as much water per person as is provided in industrial world today一样高,比较的方向不一致,因此答案为false。
以上就是做比较类判断题的灵魂三问,同学们记住了吗? 怕忘记的话赶紧记下黑板上的总结吧。
题目:studying animals in zoos is less stressful for the animals than studying them in the wild.
原文:Being able to undertake research on animals in zoos where there is less risk and fewer variables means real changes can be effected on wild populations.
看完本文,同学们能解出这道剑14 test4 passage2的题目吗?
答案:Not given
解析:题目出现了less stressful的比较,维度为压力,原文是less risk and fewer variables,维度为危险和变量,因此题目和原文属于不同维度的比较。比较不同维,答案为not given。