

2018年01月16日 11:57来源:互联网作者:广州新航道

摘要:2018年01月13日雅思大作文题目“ Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress, but they should be concerned about the quality at work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


“ Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress, but they should be concerned about the quality at work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




这个题目是要求同时论述着装和工作品质,如果你仅论述其中一个方面(工作品质或着装),则不完全符合题目要求,也就是在task response方面有欠缺。本题可以采用如下结构:

1. 引言段 提出话题.

2. 中段A  The possible benefits of having a dress code as a corporate image, in relation to the quality of work 着装可能提高工作品质

3. 中段B.  The possible drawbacks of having a dress code, in relation to the quality of work. 着装可能破坏工作品质

4. 结论段  A dress code is mixed with benefits and drawbacks, so it’s up to employers themselves to decide whether their employees should follow a strict dress code.



Whether employers should be more concerned with their employees’ dressing manner or their work quality has become a heated topic in recent years. 






(2)be concerned about / with... 关注......; 关心......

(3)dressing manner 穿着方式


Some people believe that it is beneficial to have a dress code in the workplace, if only for image reasons. Workers may be asked to wear a uniform to communicatea corporate image and ensure that people easily identify them. This is particularly true to a workplace where employees have regular face-to-face contact with customers and clients. For this reason, nowadays an increasing number of workplaces prefer to set up a dress code and subtly promote the visual uniformity. While it is hard to determine how the visual uniformity is related to quality at work, having a dress code in place may help the way a corporation wants to beperceived.






(2)dress code 着装标准/规范

(3)if only 即使仅仅是......

(4)communicate 传达;交流

(5)ensure 确保

(6)identify 识别

(7)for this reason 为了这个原因

(8)subtly 巧妙地

(9)uniformity 统一性

(10)perceive 感知;认识


However, some people think that having a strict dress code may actually affect the employees’ quality at work. One of its biggest downsides is that a strict dress code can stifle individuality since workers are not given total freedom to demonstratetheir personal styles. Sometimes employees complain that a dress code causes feelings of stress among themselves and consequently leads to lower effectiveness and efficiency at work. 






(2)downside 缺陷;消极的方面

(3)stifle 扼杀

(4)individuality 个性

(5)demonstrate 展示

(6)consequently 结果;从而


In conclusion, employers should be concerned about the quality at work, but whether a dress code makes sense for a workplace is a question only employers can answer. With quality of work in mind, it is up to every employer to decide whether he should care about the way his employees should dress. 






(2)make sense 有意义

(3)with...in mind 记住......;把......放在心中

(4)it’s up to... 由......来决定




Whether employers should be more concerned with their employees’ dressing manner or their work quality has become a heated topic in recent years.


Some people believe that it is beneficial to have a dress code in the workplace, if only for image reasons. Workers may be asked to wear a uniform to communicate a corporate image and ensure that people easily identify them. This is particularly true to a workplace where employees have regular face-to-face contact with customers and clients. For this reason, nowadays an increasing number of workplaces prefer to set up a dress code and subtly promote the visual uniformity. While it is hard to determine how the visual uniformity is related to quality at work, having a dress code in place may help the way a corporation wants to be perceived.


However, some people think that having a strict dress code may actually affect the employees’ quality at work. One of its biggest downsides is that a strict dress code can stifle individuality since workers are not given total freedom to demonstrate their personal styles. Sometimes employees complain that a dress code causes feelings of stress among themselves and consequently leads to lower effectiveness and efficiency at work.


In conclusion, employers should be concerned about the quality at work, but whether a dress code makes sense for a workplace is a question only employers can answer. With quality of work in mind, it is up to every employer to decide whether he should care about the way his employees should dress. 

256 words





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