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发布时间:2020-09-22 关键词:A-level经济学 contestable market相关知识点解析!
摘要:A-level经济学在学习了new classi 关于perfectly competitive, monopoly Oligopoly, monopolistic competition等市场理论过后,教材神奇地安排了contestable market。对于这个区别于新古典市场理论又类似于前几个市场理论的概念,让学经济学的孩童们难以对号入座。
A-level经济学在学习了new classi 关于perfectly competitive, monopoly Oligopoly, monopolistic competition等市场理论过后,教材神奇地安排了contestable market。对于这个区别于新古典市场理论又类似于前几个市场理论的概念,让学经济学的孩童们难以对号入座。
在这边老师真诚地建议同学们,大家就把contestable market当作一个new market,在你还不是很熟悉他的时候,不要把他与其他market structure联系起来,等你对他认识充分的时候,你尽可以大胆地将之与其他market 进行比较,不过切记,距离产生美。
关于contestable market的几大特点要牢牢把握:
Contestable market : any market structure where there is a threat that potential are free and able to enter this market.
The number of firms in the industry may vary from one (a monopolist) having complete control of the market, to many, with no single firm having a signifint share of the market.
In a contestable market, there is freedom of entry to and exit from the market. This means there will be no sunk costs.
Firms are short-run profit maximisers, producing where MC = MR.
There is perfect knowledge in the industry.
The potential for hit-and-run competition exists.
重中之重点老师已经画出来了,大家务必注意,在写作的时候你会发现永远离不开对low barriers,sunk cost的讨论,从而努力证明某某市场具有contestability。
相信大家很容易发现一个问题,在Nairobi竟然还有unlicensed taxi,这点可以用来说明taxi market是contestable;
其次,段提到Uber,safaricom等等新公司的进入,所以我们也可以认为taxi market是contestable;
再然后呢,我们还看到说未来有更多的taxi firms会进入Nairobi;写到这里同学们对contestable的认识有所加深了吧!