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发布时间:2020-06-24 关键词:AP心理学2019年考试真题回忆
摘要:AP心理学2019年考试真题回忆,大家好!在上一期的AP心理学真题分享里,我们给出了2018年的考试真题及其对应的参考答案。而我们今日即将分享的内容,则为AP心理学2019年的考试真题回忆: 根据去年05月09日的AP心理学考试题目,我们将给出过往这些题目的答案参考。
AP心理学2019年考试真题回忆,大家好!在上一期的AP心理学真题分享里,我们给出了2018年的考试真题及其对应的参考答案。而我们今日即将分享的内容,则为AP心理学2019年的考试真题回忆: 根据去年05月09日的AP心理学考试题目,我们将给出过往这些题目的答案参考。由于只有考题回忆,而没有完整题目,我们将会以给出这些考试所涉及的terms的定义为主(请注意,在正常的考试题目里,答案必须涉及分析题目中的例子或者是给出其他可以支持这些terms的例子)。
【AP 心理学 0509 考试回忆】
*FR1的题目考了3个terms,还列举了ABCDE的五个条件要求解释,涉及内容包括了confounding variable / dependent group(dependent variable) / control conditions
*FR2 有一个motion parallax, vestibular sense
建议针对FRQ1: research methods,social desirability and cognitive dissonance
建议针对FRQ2: taste aversion, arousal theory, inferential statistics
以上是笔者根据去年的AP心理学考试回忆后,记录下来的内容。那么,接下来,就让我们一起看看这里涉及的所有terms的定义吧。另外,为了帮助大家更清楚知道一个term的具体定义,笔者在这里也会附上其他相关的语境内容,全部摘选内容来自美国全英文心理学书籍Myers第二版或者是Psychology from Inquiry to Understanding (加拿大全英文心理学书籍PIU)。
1~3 Confounding variable/ Dependent variable/ Dependent group
To discover cause-effect relationships, psychologists conduct experiments, manipulating one or more variables of interest and controlling other variables. Using random assignment, they can minimize confounding variables, such as preexisting differences between the experimental group (exposed to the treatment) and the control group (given a placebo or different version of the treatment). (Myers, p52)
The independent variable is the factor the experimenter manipulates to study its effect; the dependent variable is the factor the experimenter measures to discover any changes occurring in response to the manipulation of the independent variable. (Myers, p52)
1. Confounding variable is a factor other than the independent variable that might produce an effect in an experiment. (Myers, p52)
2. Independent variable is the experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied. (Myers, p52)
3. Dependent variable is the outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable. (Myers, p52)
4. Research Methods
(Myers, p53)
上图,则是针对于AP心理学考试里涉及的三大类Research Methods。建议要仔细地比较这三类的差别哦。
5. Social desirability
Surveys that ask about sensitive topics such as drug use are susceptible to social desirability. Survey respondents often do not honestly answer sensitive questions. People generally don’t want to look bad to the researchers, even if they have been assured that their responses are anonymous. While respondents may report that they use drugs, they may not accurately report on the amount they use or the frequency with which they use them. (Myers, p822)