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发布时间:2021-02-02 关键词:
大家在托福口语学科题Task3Task4刷题的时候有没有发现有关海洋生物的题目占据了一定比重。以Task4为例,在TPO1-66中生物学有22题,占1/3比重;而其中有关海洋生物的题目有5题,分别为TPO13/14/45/49/65,约占1/4比重。除了TPO49讲的是鱼类群居的危害,其他题目都在讨论海洋生物为了适应海下生活,而发展出的适应性(adaptation) 这里会节选上述题目中的文本,给同学们做背景知识的普及。
the Leafy Sea Dragon
it resembles a small green dragon with leaf-like protrusions sticking out like arms. Now because its colors and shapes, it blends in extremely well with green sea plants. So when the Leafy Sea Dragon is swimming through these plants, predators have trouble seeing it.
the Cuttlefish
Cuttlefish have shifting pigments that allow them to change color in a matter of seconds, so they can almost instantaneously match their color of their surroundings. If they’re swimming by green sea plants, they’ll turn green. And if they’re swimming over the brown sea floor, they’ll turn brown.
Pelican eel
there's a species of eel that has an enormous mouth and a large stomach that's capable of expanding. And these unusual features allow this eel to eat prey larger than itself. That's a big advantage because if the eel eats something big, that's a lot of food, a lot of nutrition. So the eel can go for quite a while before it has to find food again.