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发布时间:2021-03-23 关键词:

摘要:开门见山,托福写作,越早跳出学生幼稚思维越能得高分。具有洞察力的观点和清晰的表述能力比生搬硬套一些不经思考,看似正确的论据更有可能获得阅卷老师的青睐。记住,一个好的写作者,一定是一个cynical optimist。既要对现实具有清晰成熟且具批判性的认识,也必须对未来有乐观的看法,因为只有发现问题的本质,才能更好的解决问题。还有一定不要忘记给自己的文章加一个引人注目的标题。

开门见山,托福写作,越早跳出学生幼稚思维越能得高分。具有洞察力的观点和清晰的表述能力比生搬硬套一些不经思考,看似正确的论据更有可能获得阅卷老师的青睐。记住,一个好的写作者,一定是一个cynical optimist。既要对现实具有清晰成熟且具批判性的认识,也必须对未来有乐观的看法,因为只有发现问题的本质,才能更好的解决问题。还有一定不要忘记给自己的文章加一个引人注目的标题。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Separate but Equal?

It is now known to all that the slogan “separate but equal” was just a lie to fool themselves in the turbulent times of the Civil Rights Movement. Most people might not associate this with separating boys and girls into different schools, but as far as I see the very existence of single-sex school reeks of sexual discrimination and hardly has any educational meaning in it, no matter how people have sugarcoated it.

Anyone who knows only a little about the history of education would agree that women in the past were far less likely to go through a proper education like men did. Even in modern times when women were allowed into the education system, what a girl was taught was totally different from the subjects required for a boy. The establishment of single-sex schools had two purposes: to cultivate male elites and to train eligible housewives. This separation may sound less appalling than that of the blacks and whites, but the essential idea was alike: men are superior than women. Not until recently did co-educations chools become a prevailing phenomenon, which was achieved by generations who sought true equality among all.

Although the decrease in the number of single-sex schools has been an indisputable fact, there are still some diehard apologists advocating the benefits of single-sex education. Whether it is out of their “unique” educational perspectives or some ulterior motives, I won’t presume. The fact is that most single-sex schools still exist mainly because tradition demands it. If these schools are truly so excellent in educating their students as they allege, why can’t they admit the opposite sex? Tailor-designed education for aspecific gender, which are those advocators favorite pretext, sounds pretty discriminatory to me because that was similar to what the white people said when the black-only facilities were implemented. Another one is the “infamous” adolescentromantic relationships which are more likely to occur in a co-ed school. This one is tricky because most parents and school administrators would agree that these unguided feelings might cause serious academic problems. Sounds plausible, right? But when we put some real thinking into these, parents and school administrators are not afraid of “puppy love” itself, which is a very naturaland common thing for any human being. What they really fear is theuncontrollable consequences that would ensue, to which the solution is both easy and tough: a proper sex education, a responsibility which almost no adultwants to undertake.

Sadly, as you can see, the problem of whether boys and girls shouldattend separate schools has little to do with the education of the children. Rather, it’s about equal rights, the irrational sense of tradition, and spineless adults who wouldn’t take responsibilities. Though many people naturally think the problems raised in the field of education are about children, in reality, almost none of them are. Only when the adults who design the system truly understand what the children want and put aside any self-interests, can we be eligible to sit down and talk this through respectfully.

