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发布时间:2021-03-29 关键词:






(male professor) So, we’ve been searching for stars similar to our Sun, what we might call sun-like stars, since presumably planets orbiting such stars are the most likely to have liquid water, a requirement for life as we know it. And what mostly determines whether liquid water can exist, of course, is the planet’s temperature. Too hot or too cold and any water would either vaporize or freeze. OK, but this assumption that stars with habitable planets must be sun-like, radiating huge amounts of thermal nuclear energy, this might not be actually necessary.

Yes, Stephanie?

(female student) Where would the planet get its heat then?

(professor) One possibility is that it could orbit a different kind of star, a white dwarf. Do you remember what a white dwarf is?

(female student) It’s a dead star, like the ember that’s left after a star has burned up all its fuel but it’s cooler and dimmer than sun-like stars, right? And much smaller.

(professor) True. But there are still enough energy in their core to generate some heat. Now, to get enough heat for liquid water, a planet would need to orbit its white dwarf very tightly.

(female student) But before becoming a white dwarf, doesn’t a star first expand and then collapse? And wouldn’t the expansion phase destroy any planets closest to it?

(professor) Yes, but, some outer planets could survive and move closer in. Or new planets could form after the star collapses. White dwarfs exist for many billions of years. So there’s plenty of time for such changes to occur.

(female student) There aren’t that many white dwarfs in the universe, though. Are there?

(professor) Actually, we’re finding that they are plentiful in the universe. We detect them in an indirect way. When a planet passes in front of its host star, this transit eclipses some of the star’s light. By measuring this periodic dimming, we infer the existence of a planet. Since white dwarfs are only slightly bigger than Earth, a planet might block out 50 percent of the white dwarf’s light, which is observable through a ground-based telescope. The transit of a planet orbiting a sun-like star produces just a miniscule change in luminosity.


2. Why does the student talk about how a white dwarf forms?

A) To demonstrate her familiarity with the life cycle of stars

B) To speculate about the ultimate fate of the Sun

C) To suggest a topic to explore in a future class discussion

D) To question a hypothesis described by the professor

3. What factor makes it relatively easy to detect planets orbiting a white dwarf?

A) The planets typically reflect a significant amount of light.

B) The planets block a significant amount of the star’s light during transit.

C) The planets have a higher mass than the white dwarfs that they orbit.

D) Planets around white dwarfs have very slow orbits.


针对这个部分内容,这里给出大家两个问题,可以尝试去进行一下作答。天文学的讲座很多同学比较排斥、恐惧,事实上,文章内容有时候感觉比较抽象晦涩,但是实际上的考点是比较容易的,都是比较浅显、直白的细节题目,基本上就是原文的某处细节的简单改写。上面2个题目答案分别是:D B。你们都做对了么?

