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发布时间:2021-04-21 关键词:

摘要:托福口语考试的独立任务部分是社交场景中的常见话题(familiar topic),准备时间为15秒,答题时间为45秒。考生在备考中最常见的技巧障碍是15秒内无法形成有效思路,以及陈述时话题发展不充分答不满45秒。

托福口语考试的独立任务部分是社交场景中的常见话题(familiar topic),准备时间为15秒,答题时间为45秒。考生在备考中最常见的技巧障碍是15秒内无法形成有效思路,以及陈述时话题发展不充分答不满45秒。所以,在独立任务教学中,我常常会建议学生积累一些应用口径比较广的例子,并且能对例子进行灵活变化,比如对内容进行增删或稍加修改,使其能够应用在不同的话题当中。这种转化技巧,不仅能够提高学生的备考效率,而且可以在考试中解决很多常见话题。同时,举例展开话题的方式,相比于客观说理,更容易在考试中得到理想的分数。因为前者更吻合ETS的评分标准,一是托福考试官方指南(OG) 明确指出考生在话题发展中的过程性描述能力是重要考察方面; 二是举例能够更好地凸显词汇多样性。在考试时,如果可以将话题联系到积累的语料上,就不要临时想一个新的点或者例子。


下面,我以旅行(traveling)为例, 结合2017-2019托福口语真题话题,讲解语料的灵活转化和应用。先来看一个连考三年的话题。Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why?(20190922/20181216/20171216)


I guess I’d prefer to stay in touch with family and friends, because I want to share my experience with them especially when we are not together.

For example, last summer,I took a trip to a small town in Thailand and stayed there for about a month. I was keeping in touch with my best friend Tyler the whole time by sending him photos or making video calls, so that he got to see the charming ocean view and all kinds of fun events . I remember there’s one time I called him when the sun was setting down, the neon lights were on, and the party animals were getting ready for a wild night on the beach. I’d say nothing could have been better than having a nice chat and sharing that beautiful moment with a close friend.这个参考答案,十分适合考生做语料积累。




(4)过程性描述-时间(last summer), 地点(a small town in Thailand), 人物(Tyler)、事件(party),便于语料拆分重组,应用到不同话题。


If you have more money, you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electronic devices or spend your money on experience. (20170423)这个话题乍一看,好像和旅行没有任何关系。但是通过审题,我们会发现是购物和体验二选其一,那么很容易用旅行语料来回答更喜欢体验。当然,也需要适当增加和money相关的内容去点题,使语料的应用更自然更切题。


I think I’d probably spend my money on experience such as traveling, simply because it’s fun and relaxing.

For example, last summer, my best friend Tyler and I both received scholarship, so we decided to take a trip to a small town in Thailand for a month. When we were there, we got to see the charming ocean view and participated in all kinds of interesting events. I remember there’s one time we went to the beach when the sun was setting down, the neon lights were on, and the party animals were getting ready for a wild night under the stars. We ended up having a great time on the beach and didn’t get back to our hotel rooms until the sunrise. Although this trip cost each of us up to 6,000 RMB, I’d still say nothing could be more fun than sharing a wonderful trip with a close friend.  

最后,我们再来做一个难度稍大的语料应用。Do you agree with the following statement: when visiting a country for the first time, it is important to know their tradition and culture.(20190331)这个话题可以一眼看出是跟旅行相关的,但是题干中的know their tradition and culture给语料的应用增加了难度。这就要求考生具备灵活性,能够结合语料对题干中的题眼进行具体扩展。举例展开时,时间,地点,人物,事件是一样的,但是要在事件中加入和当地文化风俗相关的内容。


Yes, I agree. It’s definitely important to know the tradition and culture of the country we are going to visit in advance, because it’ll help us cope with the new experience better and fully enjoy the trip.

For example, last summer, my best friend Tyler and I decided to take a trip to a small town in Thailand. Before hitting the road, we did some research and learned that visitors are expected to be polite and respectful. So when we got invited to join a beach party there, we brought some drinks and snacks just to share. And soon enough we were recognized as a part of the collective. We were dancing together with the local people while enjoying the charming ocean view. The sun was setting down, the neon lights were on, everybody was just so happy and friendly. We ended up having a great time on the beach and didn’t get back to our hotel rooms until the sunrise. And because of our manners and politeness, we made friends with more local people. With their help and company, this trip went super smooth and it turned to be one of the best experience in my life.


