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发布时间:2021-05-13 关键词:托福独立写作真题范文:科学家要负责吗?

摘要:【考场题目回忆】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Scientists should be responsible for the negative impacts of their discoveries.Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

托福考试考场题目回忆】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Scientists should be responsible for the negative impacts of their discoveries.Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

IntroductionScientists, pioneers of human society, have been constantly exploring the unknown, unraveling the mysteries, and making breakthroughs. During this process, some unexpected troubles, however, are unfortunately inevitable. While scientists could alert people, they can hardly prevent those troubles. Besides, if scientists were held responsible for those negative impacts, they would be demotivated to innovate. Hence, we should not blame scientists for the undesirable results of scientific findings.


BodyFor starters, scientists should not be scapegoats. In another word, 【强调句】it is the users, like politicians or businessmen, who should shoulder responsibility of the negative impacts of scientific findings. 【巧妙的类比也是论证方式之一】 Just like a knife could be used to cut bread or to murder someone, a scientific discovery can be used to benefit or hurt people. Take scientific findings in physics, namely weapons, as an example. While it could be used to deter criminals, it may also abused by criminals to kill innocent civilians, which is certainly contrary to scientists’ intention. In this case, the negative effect of such findings is not up to its finders, scientists, but to the users. 【写作思路】很简单的逻辑:就像一把刀即可以拿来切菜也可以拿来谋杀一样,科学研究也会因使用者“intentions” 的不同而产生不同的作用。那么很明显,当持有 “bad intentions” 的 坏蛋” 使用时这些研究造成伤害时,有“good intention”的科学家肯定不该负责。

Body】【虚拟语气】Were the scientists asked to be accountable for all the possible negative outcomes of their discoveries, it would undoubtedly hinder the progress of science. To specify, the advent of any scientific findings cannot be divorced from bold attempts. If scientists are required to be responsible for negative impacts of their progressions, they may become overcautious or even scared to make progresses. Contrarily, scientists who are exempted from taking responsibility for the unexpected negative effect tend to be more motivated in discovering. Therefore, for the advent of new technologies, scientists should not be responsible for the negative impact.【写作思路】科学研究肯定是通过不断的大胆尝试才能完成的,当科学家知道自己将来要为任何潜在的风险(这当然是很有可能发生的啦)负责时,他们会变的过于谨慎,从而很难创新。

BodyAdmittedly, scientists should be aware of the potential hazards behind findings, and they are responsible for informing the users of those harms. However, negligence are not totally avoidable yet completely understandable. Not to mention, even if the users are crystal clear about those potential negative impacts, they may still make mistakes triggering those potential impacts, either because they are careless or too profit-driven. With the aforementioned points clarified, 【反问句也能强化语气】how can we place blame on scientists?  【写作思路】科学家只有义务负责提醒大家潜在的风险,且不谈他们也会疏忽。就算他们考虑到了方方面面,也阻止不了使用者在使用时造成疏忽。

ConclusionIn conclusion, 记得直接了当的回答题目(我不同意科学家应该为科研的消极影响负责)+概括如上三段分论点(偷懒快速的方式就是高度概括每段中心句)即可。
