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《剑15》 Test 3 口语 Part 1&2 详细解读!

发布时间:2020-07-09 关键词:《剑15》 Test 3 口语 Part 1&2 详细解读!

摘要:《剑15》 Test 3 口语 Part 1&2 详细解读!以swimming为代表的sports话题在雅思口语考试中频繁出现,例如:水上运动,球类运动以及休闲运动等。在2020年1-4月题库中swimming就以”watersports”的形式出现,因此同学们对它应该并不陌生。体育运动除了本身的项目描述之外,还可以和生活方式,作息习惯,以及健康等话题进行关联。

《剑15Test 3 口语 Part 1&2 详细解读!swimming为代表的sports话题在雅思口语考试中频繁出现,例如:水上运动,球类运动以及休闲运动等。在20201-4月题库中swimming就以”watersports”的形式出现,因此同学们对它应该并不陌生。体育运动除了本身的项目描述之外,还可以和生活方式,作息习惯,以及健康等话题进行关联。

除了常见的喜好类(do you like…?)和习惯类(how often…?)题型,运动类话题还可能出现未来假设题型 (e.g.: will people … more or less in the future?). 对于喜好类问题的作答,可以考虑: 表态 原因 举例 的思考方式,如果原因不太容易入手,也可以使用:表态 举例 频率的作答思路从而在举例的过程中尽可能多的添加细节,展现语法多样性。面对习惯类题型,可以考虑结合频率副词或其他表示频率的词组与具体频次相结合的方法阐述自己对于某种运动参与的频率,而不是简单的使用ofteneveryday这类人尽皆知的词汇。

《剑15》 Test 3 口语 Part 1&2 详细解读!


1. Did you learn to swim when you were a child? [Why / Why not?]

Yes, my dad firstly tried to teach me how to swim in a summer holiday when I was 7 or so. I was not able to acquire that skill instantly at that time, therefore he continued to do it every summer for about 3 years until I finally got it.

2. How often do you go swimming now? [Why / Why not?]

I joined a gym with a standardized pool and the membership provides me unlimited access to it. As it’s getting warmer, I go for a swim every other day, usually in the morning coz there will be fewer people share the lane with me.

3. What places are there for swimming where you live? [Why?]

Apart from public swimming pools, there are still quite a lot of private ones which you can find the hiring information on the internet. They are usually in luxury hotels which provide warm and hygienic environment as well as great service.

4. Do you think it would be more enjoyable to go swimming outdoors or at an indoor pool? [Why?]

My preference of indoor or outdoor pools really depends on temperature. It’s not easy jumping into a freezing outdoor pool in the early morning, especially in cold weather, no matter how hard I try to muster up the courage. In that case, swimming indoor will be heavenly nice.

描述一个的…” Part 2人物类常见题型,例如 “describe a famous person”, “describe a famous athlete”, “describe a famous singer”. 对于此类问题无外乎回答:此人所处的行业,取得的成绩,对你的启发。人物类题型在描写细节上难度较大,同学们通常能够想到的形容词也较为有限,那么可以配合具体事例从侧面反映你想要描述的人物的不同寻常的性格特征,或区别于他人的行为处事方法,切记不要简单罗列形容词。同样,在描述他人的成就或生平时,容易暴露简单句过度使用的缺陷,句式的多样性也需要引起同学们的重点注意。


☆ Who this person is

Jack Ma

- a Chinese business magnate,

- the co-founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group.

☆ What kind of business this person is involved in

His company Alibaba is mainly about E-commerce which is China’s biggest online commerce company, its online shopping platform allows exporters to post product listings that customers could buy directly.

☆ What you know about this business person

Ma is a true rags-to-riches story.

Born in an ordinary family, Ma had a really hard time when he tried to get into the university, he went to the teachers college in the end as he failed his college entrance exam twice. After graduation, he was frustrated with finding a good job after being rejected from dozens of them. Sooner after that he decided to step into the IT industry even though he knew nothing about computer at that time. When people around him thought his idea was just a utopia, he convinced his friends to invest in his vision for an online marketplace he called "Alibaba." And things happened afterwards are well-known by the world now.

☆ And explain what you think of this business person

I was deeply impressed by one of his most famous quote: money follows people, and people should follow their dreams. He remains optimistic even in the worst case scenario.

From my point of view, Ma is the most outstanding representative of the inspirational Chinese entrepreneurs.


