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发布时间:2021-07-08 关键词:《剑16》Test 4 又来流程图?小窍门!
《剑16》Test 4 小作文
The flow chart illustrates how plastic bottles are recycled. Overall, recycling is a fairly long process that can be repeated several times.
☑ 【开头段依旧改写题干即可,对于名词词组,可以用“how”。总结段也不用花哨,写明流程复杂/长短,并且是否可以循环即可】
02、First, people throw away used plastic bottles to a recycling bin, which will then be lifted by an arm of a truck. After being tossed in the back of the truck, the bottles make their way to recycling center, operated by workers. Next, they are hand-checked to remove any non-recyclable material like remnants of labels or their contents. Subsequently, compressed into blocks, plastic bottles are shredded by a machine, after which the shreds are soaked to eliminate any remaining impurities.
☑ 【流程图有时写满150字蛮难的,因为有很多细节考试时容易被忽略,例如第三步中的桌上瓶子有 “label”,而丢进回收箱里的瓶子没标签;卡车上的 “arm”, 人工筛选 “hand-checked” 等。】
☑ 各个步骤间的衔接也是个难点,本段中用到after which (两个步骤顺序发生时用),after being done (两个步骤主语相同且顺序发生时用),和分词前置等都可以拿来表达动作的先后关系。当然, “next” “subsequently” 也是。
☑ 同时要注意主语随动作的变化 而变化
☑ Shred v. 切成碎片; n. 碎片
☑ Impurity n. 杂质
☑ Remnant n. 残余部分
03、Before the production starts, those shreds are processed into pellets in a machine with an opening at the top and an exit at the bottom. In the following step, the pellets are gathered in a pile to be heated to form raw materials. These materials will be reshaped into new products, from plastic bottles, bags and containers to clothes and pencils. If any of these products are disposed of, the cycle will begin again.
☑ 本段主要写制作环节。同样的,一些细节例如 机器的两个口子,小球“pellets” 成堆被加热,生产出的产品具体有哪些(瓶子,容器,衣服,笔,袋子)都是文章的细节,写出这些,扣题分也就来啦。
☑ Process v. 加工,处理
☑ Reshape v. 重塑