发布时间:2019-06-13 关键词:雅思口语Part1
1、do it until you're old and gray 一直做到你老
A musician, you can do it until you're old and gray and you can keep wailing on your guitar, your saxaphone, and I'd like to be a musician. 一个音乐人可以一直做到老,可以抱着吉他萨克斯哭。
2、drop tears very easily and laugh 轻松掉眼泪,轻松笑出来
I'd like to be a movie star and that's because I like acting and I think it's be interesting if I can act for a scene like crying, I can drop tears very easily and laugh, and give a big smile to the audience and if there's like an eating scene, I think I can eat very well. 我想成为一个电影明星,因为我喜欢表演,如果有哭戏,我觉得会很有意思,因为我这人能轻松掉眼泪,轻松笑出来。也会对观众微笑,如果有个吃东西的场景,我想我会吃得很棒。
3、glamorous adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的
I think I'd most want to be a movie star. I'd like to be glamorous and able to dress up on the red carpet. 我最想成为一个电影明星。我想在红毯上盛装出席,富有魅力。
4、be idolized 被当成偶像崇拜
I wouldn't mind being idolized like many pro athletes are, and basically you get to play a game for a living and you make a lot of money. 我挺喜欢被当成偶像来崇拜,就像一些专业运动员那样,基本上工作就是参与一场比赛,然后挣钱。
5、the best bet 的办法
So I think the best bet is to be a musician and compose songs your entire life.的办法是成为一个音乐家,一辈子写写歌。