发布时间:2020-05-12 关键词:雅思口语技巧:讲好故事
So, what kind of story is yawn-inducing?
When we call a story tedious, we just point to those story tellers who have failed to show us what it's like to be them. We're not saying that everyone should be the interesting person who has traveled all around the world or been present at an international conference.
That is to say, an interesting person isn't someone to whom outwardly special things have happened. Instead, they have just grown into good listeners to their own mind and heart, and I'm gonna call them "the honest correspondent".
如果写得像小学生日记将会是多么想让人打哈欠的展开,这时我们要学会外向的自信,放下客套。比如刚才说到的真实的渴望 what we truly desire、追悔莫及的情感 the sense of remorse、悼念的时刻 the moment of mourning、伟大的梦想 the great dream、突如其来的悲伤the sudden grief at 3 a.m. 。
How to get in the way of us being as interesting as we in fact are?
To make an easy twist, you just need to leave those dead conventions behind. Specifically, the outward details about"Who was there?", "What does he/she look like?", "Where we went?", "How was the weather that day?"
Let me be your listener and you know what? I just want to figure out the layer of feelings beneath the fact, like, what you truly desire, the sense of remorse, the moment of mourning, the great dream, the sudden grief at 3 a.m. . Of course, we need causation, so here comes your story time.