当前位置:首页 雅思学习 关于雅思阅读标题配对题的三个Tips
发布时间:2020-09-29 关键词:雅思阅读
摘要:今天我们一起来分享讨论一些关于雅思阅读考试标题配对题型(Matching Headings questions)的相关背景知识和做题技巧。
Reading-Matching Headings Questions
今天我们一起来分享讨论一些关于雅思阅读考试标题配对题型(Matching Headings questions)的相关背景知识和做题技巧。
对于雅思考试的学生来说,阅读中的标题配对题通常是最困难的任务之一。 为什么?主要原因是该题型中的标题通常彼此非常相似。此外,备选的标题比问题所需的要多。(Answering matching headings questions is often one of the most difficult tasks for IELTS students. Why? The main reason is that the headings in the IELTS reading test are usually very similar to each other. Also, you have more headings than you need for the question.)标题的相似性导致同学们在阅读此类标题时出现“拿不准”“读完跟没读一样”等“恐慌”心理;标题数量多于题目数量导致同学们非常喜欢的“点对点”的逐一排除法不能发挥它一贯的威力了。
那么,我们怎样才能使它更容易一些呢?(So, how can we make this a little easier?)今天我们先分享三个秘诀尝试来帮助大家更轻松的做对标题配对题。
(Firstly, if there’s an example – and there usually is – cross out that answer. You don’t need it; don’t let it confuse you. Also, the example isn’t always the first paragraph, so make sure you check carefully.)
具体参见下图(该题为剑10 Test3 Passage 1)
2 其次,检查您需要回答多少个问题, 有多少个额外答案。 在回答问题时,请勿重复使用任何答案。(Secondly, check how many questions you need to answer. How many extra answers are there? When answering matching headings questions, do not use any answer more than once.)
3 最后,最重要的是,不要阅读全文! 您没有时间那么充分的时间,您因正确答题得分而不是理解全文。考试时您需要专注的事情就是选择正确的答案。(Finally, and most importantly, do not read the whole text! You don’t have time. You get marks for answering the questions, not understanding the whole text. Your only job is to choose the correct answers.)
今天我们接着来分享讨论一些关于雅思阅读考试标题配对(Matching Headings questions)题型的做题技巧,期望能帮助大家更轻松的应对此种题型。
首先我们再次强调一下上次分享的一个重点:不要阅读全文。您只需要阅读句话,最后一句话,或阅读第二句话,只读所需(Do not read the whole text. You only need to read the first, last and maybe the second sentences)。
其次,寻找标题和段落句子之间同义词和类似的想法。注意观察看这段话说的是不是和某一标题说的同一回事,只是表达方式不同。(Look for synonyms and similar ideas between the headings and sentences. Is the paragraph saying the same thing, but in a different way?)
接着要提醒大家一下,虽然找同义词是我们做题的主线索之一,但请注意不可大意失荆州:在段落和标题中看到同义词甚至相同的词并不意味着该标题是正确答案。始终要记得再核对语义是否贴切才妥当。(Remember that seeing synonyms or even the same words in the paragraph and the heading DOES NOT mean that this heading is the right one. Always check that the meaning fits.)切不可大眼一扫发现某一个标题和某一段落中有相同的词就毫不犹豫的下笔了,保持理智,再看再检查。
如果大家在做题过程中遇到了非常不好确定的匹配段,或者说已经使用了浑身解数还是不能确定应该选择那个答案时,建议各位一定不要“死磕”,快速调整自己的心态,去做该题型接下来的题目,把能做的都做完,再回过头来悬而未决的题目,因为随着你做出来的题目数量的增多和排除掉的答案数的增多,此类题目的难度也会随之下降。(If you’ve used the technique and still aren’t sure of an answer, move on to the next question. When you’ve answered a few more questions and used more of the headings, you can come back to questions you haven’t answered.)