发布时间:2020-10-20 关键词:雅思高分口语必备衔接词分享(二)
摘要:口语评分中很关键的一项标准就是流利度,而想要提高流畅性,不仅是发音上的流利,更需要内容上的承上启下。换言之,逻辑之间要有穿针引线的衔接词。熟练的使用衔接词能帮助大家口语增色不少。接下来,新航道小编就给大家分享一些常用的衔接语,并且都有搭配例子,熟悉后可在part 3中灵活应用哦~
雅思口语评分中很关键的一项标准就是流利度,而想要提高流畅性,不仅是发音上的流利,更需要内容上的承上启下。换言之,逻辑之间要有穿针引线的衔接词。熟练的使用衔接词能帮助大家雅思口语增色不少。接下来,新航道小编就给大家分享一些常用的衔接语,并且都有搭配例子,熟悉后可在part 3中灵活应用哦~
Never in a million years
saying that something is certainly not going to happen.
Example 1
Would you like to become a teacher?
Never in a million years! In the past, being a teacher was a good job, but nowadays the pupils are often very badly behaved and sometimes the parents are even worse! When their children do badly at school, they almost always blame the teacher rather than their own child.
Example 2
When you have children, would you like them to live in a city?
Never in a million years! I think that cities are too polluted and the traffic is a little dangerous. I'd like to raise my kids in a town near a large city like Beijing. The level of education should be quite high, but we could avoid the disadvantages of the city.
Let's get this straight.
stating something clearly
Example 1
Is your job difficult?
Let's get this straight. The job itself is quite simple, but the problematic thing is making sure that the people you work with on a project are doing their jobs well. If they aren't, it creates a great many problems.
Example 2
Should parents always make decisions for children?
Let's get this straight. I think that parents in China take far to many decisions for their children. This, combined with other factors, means that the children never really grow up. It's normal for parents to make all the decisions when the children are young, but parents need to gradually turn over decision making to the child, particularly when they become teenagers.
Let's put it this way.
stating something simply.
Example 1
What kinds of films do you like?
Let's put it this way. Anything with Michael Ambrose in it. He's my favourite actor and I love all his films.
Example 2
In the future, do you think most people will use the Internet for shopping?
Let's put it this way. Internet shopping is fast becoming popular and young people love using technology in as many aspects of their lives as possible. Yes, I think that Internet shopping will become the dominant form of shopping in the future. However, I think it will take a few more decades.