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发布时间:2021-12-02 关键词:雅思口语Part2&3话题:汽车旅行


雅思口语Part2 话题

Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

You should say:

Who you would like to go with

Where you would like to go

When you would like to go

And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorcycle/car




Who you would like to go with  


Where you would like to go


When you would like to go


And explain why you would like to go by  bicycle/motorcycle/car



I live in a big and beautiful country called Vietnam where taking a car trip is certainly a matter of great adventure and enjoyment. Of course, so far, I have managed to have such car trips only to a few places, but today, I would like to talk about a car trip which I am really looking forward to.

I want to take this car trip from my Hanoi (my home town) to Halong Bay which is about a 170 kilometres journey. Now, I must say that I have never taken such a long car trip before, so it is going to become equally challenging as well as thrilling.

Of course, I wouldnt take that car trip alone since travelling alone is no fun. On that occasion, I would not take a public bus since I will rent a car for this trip. So, I would take a couple of friends with me, who are not only good drivers, but also they have already taken a road trip to Hanlong Bay a couple of times, and it is them who actually have convinced me to take this car trip.

Anyway, before I hit the road, I am planning to buy a road map so that I know what my itineraries are exactly going to be.  By the way, I would take Haiphong Expressway for my car trip as it would cut the drive from Hanoi to Halong Bay from four hours to little more than two. Of course, I would need to pay some toll money to ride on this highway, but it is certainly worth the cost since it would allow me to have a speedier and shorter drive from Hanoi to Halong Bay.

Well, I want to take this trip to Halong Bay by a car because I have never really driven on a highway for a long. Besides, this car trip would allow me the flexibility to travel to places of our choices at our own pace. I want to travel to that place in a car also because it would allow us to reach our destination quicker and take breaks on the highway whenever we want.

P3 汽车旅行

     # Which form of vehicle is more popular in your country, bikes, cars or motorcycles?

That depends on the place you are giving. If you are travelling within the city for a short distance, then the bicycle is the best option because it can defy the traffic congestion. On the other hand for long distances car is the best option because it not only saves time but also provides comfort.

      # Do you think air pollution comes mostly from mobile vehicles?

Mobile, stationary, area, and natural sources all emit pollution into the air. Mobile sources account for more than half of all the air pollution in the United States and the primary mobile source of air pollution is the automobile, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

     # Do you think people need to change the way of transportation drastically to protect the environment?

The environmental effects of transport is significant because transport is a major user of energy, and burns most of the world's petroleum. This creates air pollution, including nitrous oxides and particulates, and is a significant contributor to global warming through emission of carbon dioxide.  

     # How are the transportation systems in urban areas and rural areas different?

The biggest difference therefore between rural and urban transport is the use of privately owned and motorised modes in rural settings, versus a higher utilisation of non-motorised modes and Public Transport within urban and metropolitan areas.


guaranteed accommodation  住宿的保障

get off the beaten path  不走寻常路

spontaneous  自由的

take turns to drive  轮流开车

hhit the road  出发/上路
