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发布时间:2020-05-06 关键词:GMAT作文提分精选高分金句一览!
1. The fact that…does not necessarly mply that…
2. Factors such as…all have some bearng on…
3. Economy, as we know, s nfluenced by the combnaton of a host of factors, local, natonal and nternatonal, poltcal, socal, and technologcal.
4. But we are told nothng about the way the poll was conducted and how well t represented…
5. But the problem s that the two stuatons are not smlar enough to justfy the analogcal deducton.
6. Accordng to…, but there s no evdence whatsoever to show…
7. The argument provdes no drect nformaton as to the degree to whch…
8. There s no evdence whatsoever to ndcate that…
9. But any concluson at ths stage s premature n absence of a comprehensve examnaton of…
10. For a couple of reasons, ths argument s not very convncng.
11. The arguer employs two lnes of reasonng to reach ths concluson.
12. To support ths clam, the edtoral ctes statstcs ndcatng that…
13. As t stands, ths argument suffers from three crtcal flaws.
14. n ths argument, the plannng department of an nvestment frm reaches the concluson that…
15. The bass for ths recommendaton s the expectaton that…
16. Whle ths argument has some mert, there are a few assumptons that deserve attenton.
17. The example cted, whle suggestve of these trends, s nsuffcent to warrant ther truth because there s no reason to beleve that the data drawn from…s representatve of …
18. To begn wth, ths argument depends on the assumpton that…
19. Not only does the arguer fal to…, he also fals to…
20. However, whle the poll establshes a correlaton between…and…, and also ndcates a correlaton, though less sgnfcantly, between…and…, t does not establsh a general causal relatonshp between…