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发布时间:2020-06-29 关键词:GRE填词题 | 破解GRE填词系列(七)
摘要:GRE填词题 | 破解GRE填词系列(七)GRE填词第【7】讲听说GRE词汇超级难?那是不是攻克词汇本身就完全征服了GRE填词题?
GRE填词题 | 破解GRE填词系列(七)GRE填词第【7】讲听说GRE词汇超级难?那是不是攻克词汇本身就完全征服了GRE填词题?
The physical (i)_____ seen in the remains of soldiers who fought in the fifteenth-century battle of Towton is unsurprising, given the (ii)_____ origins of the men who took the battlefield that day.
A. decay
D. disparate
B. strength
E. unknown
C. diversity
F. controversial
Compared to Earth over most of its 4 to 6-billion-year history, the world we live in today is quite (i)_____. Of course, it is human nature to regard the world that we are used to as (ii)_____. The oceans, prairies, and mountain chains— even the air we breathe—seem the norm and therefore (iii)_____.
步:“the norm and therefore _______”的and和therefore提示我们空白处的词要和the norm在逻辑“同向”。
第二步:首先,第三句和第二句之间没有逻辑连接词。同时,第三句中的“The oceans, prairies, and mountain chains— even the air”回应了第二句中的“the world”,是“the world”的具体内容。于是,我们很容易判定两句之间的关系为“同向”,因为“反向”需要有逻辑连接词。那么,第二句空白处的词(需要我们选择的都是评价词)应“同向”于第三句中的评价性词组:“the norm and therefore eternal”。
第三步:理解第二句开头的“of course”的语气和隐义:“诚然”,是一种让步。暗示了与前一句的“冲突”。 冲突就是“反向”咯。
A. bountiful
D. invaluable
G. eternal
B. atypical
E. permanent
H. precious
C. stable
F. corrupted
I. endangered