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发布时间:2020-07-03 关键词:GRE阅读 | 破解GRE阅读理解系列(五)
摘要:GRE阅读 | 破解GRE阅读理解系列(五),GRE阅读第【5】讲,可以开始“上路子”的我们,依然是短小的篇幅,压力不大,点滴积累,是我们的一贯宗旨。
GRE阅读 | 破解GRE阅读理解系列(五),GRE阅读第【5】讲,可以开始“上路子”的我们,依然是短小的篇幅,压力不大,点滴积累,是我们的一贯宗旨。
Echolocating bats emit sounds in patterns—characteristic of each species—that contain both frequency-modulated (FM) and constant-frequency (CF) signals. The broadband FM signals and the narrowband CF signals travel out to a target, reflect from it, and return to the hunting bat. In this process of transmission and reflection, the sounds are changed, and the changes in the echoes enable the bat to perceive features of the target.
The FM signals report information about target characteristics that modify the timing and the fine frequency structure, or spectrum, of echoes—for example, the target’s size, shape, texture, surface structure, and direction in space. Because of their narrow bandwidth, CF signals portray only the target’s presence and, in the case of some bat species, its motion relative to the bat’s. Responding to changes in the CF echo’s frequency, bats of some species correct in flight for the direction and velocity of their moving prey.
According to the passage, the information provided to the bat by CF echoes differs from that provided by FM echoes in which of the following ways?(细节信息题)
(A) Only CF echoes alert the bat to moving targets. (彻底没有可能这个选项)
(B) Only CF echoes identify the range of widely spaced targets. (彻底没有可能这个选项)
(C) Only CF echoes report the target’s presence to the bat. (彻底没有可能这个选项)
(D) In some species, CF echoes enable the bat to judge whether it is closing in on its target. (对于文本信息的一个细化)
(E) In some species, CF echoes enable the bat to discriminate the size of its target and the direction in which the target is moving. (彻底没有可能这个选项)
According to the passage, the configuration of the target is reported to the echolocating bat by changes in the (细节信息题)
(A) echo spectrum of CF signals (CF只能探测presence和motion relative to the bat’s)
(B) echo spectrum of FM signals
(C) direction and velocity of the FM echoes (velocity并没有)
(D) delay between transmission and reflection of the CF signals (有CF就不对,彻底没有可能这个选项)
(E) relative frequencies of the FM and the CF echoes (有CF就不对)
The author presents the information concerning bat sonar in a manner that could be best described as (态度题:整体理解全文)
(A) argumentative
(B) commendatory
(C) critical
(D) disbelieving
(E) objective
Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage? (结构题的考察点为 判定信息的性质:陈述事实?做出评价?详细说明?总结概述?这道题本身倒是相当简单。结构题有难度的时候,通常是长篇幅的文章,你没有耐心看,或者信息性质发生变化的“交接点”很“隐蔽”。)
(A) A fact is stated, a process is outlined, and specific details of the process are described.
(B) A fact is stated, and examples suggesting that a distinction needs correction are considered.
(C) A fact is stated, a theory is presented to explain that fact, and additional facts are introduced to validate the theory.
(D) A fact is stated, and two theories are compared in light of their explanations of this fact.
(E) A fact is stated, a process is described, and examples of still another process are illustrated in detail.