当前位置:首页 SAT/ACT 广州SAT考试阅读材料的特点分析
发布时间:2020-03-02 关键词:广州SAT考试阅读材料的特点分析
摘要:广州SAT考试阅读材料的特点分析阅读材料的文体形式均为议论文(Argument),每次考试时所涉及的题材都不相同,但考试说明( Prompt)保持一致。下面就跟着新航道小编一起来看看下面这篇文章。
广州SAT考试阅读材料的特点分析,阅读材料的文体形式均为议论文(Argument),每次考试时所涉及的题材都不相同,但考试说明( Prompt)保持一致。下面就跟着新航道小编一起来看看下面这篇文章。
All passages are taken from high quality, previously published sources, while the specific style and content of the passages inevitably vary to some extent given the College boards commitment to using authentic texts with this task, the passages take the general form of what might be called arguments written for a broad audiThat is, the passages amine ideas debates, trends, and the like in the arts, the sciences, and civic, cultur life that have wide interest, relevance accessibility to a general readership. Passages tend not to be simple pro/con debates on issues but instead strive to convey nuanced views on complex subjects. They are notable, too, for their use of evidence, logial reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasiveelements, Text complexity of the passages is arefully monitored to ensure that the reading challenge is appropriate and comparable across administrations but not an insuperable barrier to students responding to the source text under timed conditions prior knowledge of the passages' topics is not expected or required".
所有的阅读材料都是选自高质量、已发表的出版物。根据官方( College Board)使用真实材料的原则,尽管阅读材料的具体风格和内容会有所差异,但都是一种文体,即议论文(面对广泛读者群这些阅读材料主要是针对艺术、科技社会、文化和政治等方面的观点、争论、倾向及爱好进行的探讨。