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发布时间:2020-05-21 关键词:
摘要:SAT写作真题范文 | “招招得分”,短小精悍这一篇教会你四招:1)零零碎碎的段落合一合。2)数据可不仅仅客观那么简单。3)(材料文的)行文中的过渡。4)(材料文作者)使劲措辞的用意。
SAT写作真题范文 | “招招得分”,短小精悍这一篇教会你四招:1)零零碎碎的段落合一合。2)数据可不仅仅客观那么简单。3)(材料文的)行文中的过渡。4)(材料文作者)使劲措辞的用意。
就这一篇材料文而言,首先我们发现开头的4个段落都是三两句话甚至一句话的小段落在讲述自己的个人故事(SAT写作 “招招得分” 第4篇中讲到了破解个人故事/经历的办法以及演示),我们应该“整合这些零碎的段落”: Paragraphs 1 to 4 make the first segment of the article, in which the author in the first place uses his personal experience as an intriguing case to divert readers’ attention and to make the reading of a serious argument less stressful.
然后我们在第五段看到了大量的统计数据:In the following, Paragraph 5 introduces a number of figures, 通常说来我们是觉得对于数据的分析就是“数据是客观事实有可信度、有说服力”,但是这里的数据可不是用这样的套路式的分析(虽然不能否认“数据是客观事实有可信度、有说服力”),而是有很具体的用意: and the figures showing an obvious decline in the percentage of children who read, represent “a marked and depressing change”.
接下来就是我们不易察觉到的“过渡”: The next two paragraphs serve as the transition, connecting the introductory segment and the climax of the author’s argument,并且我们在材料文的第六段中发现数个值得分析的用词(怎么发现写这些词?就是有正常的词不用偏要用一些暗喻或者借喻/通称为“比喻”,好理解些): In Paragraph 6 wording is the highlight as there are metaphorical words, such as “lament”, “dinosaurs”, and “panhandlers”, that in a vivid way and with intense emotion depicts the author’s disappointment about the “marked and depressing” situation,至于材料文的第七段就是过渡中引出材料文要讨论/论证的正题:Paragraph 7 then officially manifests the intent of the article and introduces the benefits of reading in three dimensions.