发布时间:2020-09-16 关键词:
这一场景大家是否似曾相识?这不就是很多科幻片中的桥段吗?例如《复仇者联盟》(The Advengers)中,美国队长(Captain America)掉入大海之中被冰封近70年,直到被神盾局(SHIELD)发现并解冻后加入了复仇者联盟。而大自然中真切存在的这一物种就是——北美林蛙(North American Wood Frog)。北美林蛙的存在是否意味着在现实世界中人类的永生时代要到来了?(North American Wood Frog)
事实上,一些国外公司已经开始利用人体冷冻技术试图长久保存人体,等到医学高度发达后,再将他们复活。其中最出名的一家公司是美国的阿尔科生命延续基金会(Alcor Life Extension Foundation)。报名人数已经多达2000多人,其中成功冰冻人数已达160人,包括一名中国的作家、也是《三体》的编审杜虹。(Alcor Life Extension Foundation)
那么这一神奇的过程是如何实现的呢?我们先来看看一篇介绍林蛙的托福听力文章是如何说的(TPO18Lec4):“First of all starts drawing water away from the center of its body, so the middle part of the frog, its internal organs—its heart, lungs, liver—these start getting drier and drier, while the water that's being pulled away is forming a puddle around the organs, just underneath the skin. And then that puddle of water starts to freeze.(整体过程就是林蛙会先把内脏中的水分排出并包裹在脏器外部,从而结冰。)“OK, up to now the frog's heart is still beating, right? Slower and slower. And in those last few hours before it freezes, it distributes glucose—a blood sugar—throughout its body, its circulatory system. Sort of acts like an antifreeze…In frogs, the extra glucose makes it harder for the water inside the cells to freeze, so the cells stay just slightly wet—enough so that they can survive the winter. Then after that, the heart stops beating altogether.”(而之后血液中的葡萄糖会作为一种抗冻剂,防止细胞内部的水冻结形成冰晶造成伤害。最后林蛙的心跳完全停止。)
而人体冷冻技术也采用了类似的原理:人体冷冻学家会将人体内的水分和血液全部抽干,替换成防冻剂 (anti-freeze agent),避免在冷冻过程中器官或细胞受到冰晶的伤害。随后,人体就会被装在一个温度为-196℃的液氮 (liquid nitrogen)金属桶里一直保存下去。