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发布时间:2020-11-26 关键词:雅思口语视频考试VS现场考试




我们都知道考试方式对分数的影响很重要,可是大多数人是无法评估这个影响的。考生可能也就经历一两场考试,哪怕是某些考官也不一定会经历非常多视频考试,他们更不会公开讨论这件事情。不过这个问题在一篇名为An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test 的官方研究报告中得到解答。




[...] actually, just there, his eyes went up, and so that’s...its not struggling to find the words, I think hes just...its trying to get content, hes processing things. (S05, Examiner D, Part 3, Video)

Some disfluency here, and you can tell from her face it’s because she doesnt really understand celebrations, so as youre seeing her face and her facial expressions, its showing that its a lack of comprehension rather than thinking of the ideas. (S04, Examiner E, Part 3, Video)

Some hesitation there, but I think it was because she couldn’t think of the word she wanted, so she paraphrased quite well to get the message across in the end. (S04, Examiner E, Part 3, Video)

Now, see, she’s very willing to give an extended turn, but...yeah, its very basic in terms of language, grammatical structures, nearly every word, well, every sentence had a mistake, but she communicated. There were pauses, but again, you could see her eyes searching, she was searching for a word, actually, rather than searching for the content, but yeah, a very willing participant. (S29, Examiner F, Part 3, Video)

I think that she was smiling, she understood it, it wasn’t a look of confusion, she understood the question. (S09, Examiner F, Part 3, Video)

She hasn’t understood from the first part of that. Yes, I mean, that...I heard on the audio that she didnt understand this bit, but what I didnt get was that she didnt understand the question two turns before. (S09, Examiner F, Part 3, Video)

So she doesn’t understand the question at all, here, and shes just giving one- word answers and her face is saying it all. You can see that she really doesnt understand, but shes not asking the examiner to explain, shes just saying no” so theres obviously no fluency there because she just doesnt understand it. (S09, Examiner E, Part 3, Video)

Her body language is saying, “I dont know what Im talking about!” Seeing her on the video, she looks quite uncomfortable and its clear that she doesnt understand a lot of the questions. (S09, Examiner E, Part 3, Video)



Now, see, she’s very willing to give an extended turn, but...yeah, its very basic in terms of language, grammatical structures, nearly every word, well, every sentence had a mistake, but she communicated. There were pauses, but again, you could see her eyes searching, she was searching for a word, actually, rather than searching for the content, but yeah, a very willing participant. (S29, Examiner F, Part 3, Video)

[...] actually, just there, his eyes went up, and so that’s...its not struggling to find the words, I think hes just...its trying to get content, hes processing things.

这里需要解释的是,这里考官说"it’s not struggling to find the words"的意思是说这个考官允许考生碰到难题时稍做思考(当然不能时间太长),只要不是语言表达困难或障碍,思考问题是不扣分的。





As you’ve said, what strikes me is that several times, you can see her pausing to search for content, not for words, but how... You can see it on the video, but can you hear it on the audio?

No, not at all, you can’t distinguish between the two. You can distinguish when you see, because you can see what theyre doing with their eyes and their body language. [...] And you knew before shed even answered that she hadnt understood [by seeing the uplift movement of S09s head].

You could see that she hadn’t understood, but on the audio, that was just totally lost. Youre missing out on a lot of the communication, especially someone of her level.

Examiner F


When you were looking at the video, you mentioned that there was one occasion that there was a long pause and she was looking up, searching for expressions, and you wouldn’t mark it down as a hesitation. With the audio, you dont have that information. How would you treat it?

I suppose I would then look at the quantity, so I might put that one... I’d have to...sometimes what I do is write down hesitation’ and then Id mark against it, so I think I would double-check and go with how many times shes hesitating, but yeah, with the video, it feels like a different sort of hesitation to when youve just got the audio, but I would then go with how much of it there is.

Examiner D






